Quickly sell inventory in bulk with online auctions.
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Get market price through our auction process instead of selling to liquidators or wasting time selling items individually.

Sell inventory faster
Our auctions last four days, plenty of time to reach market price, but quick enough that your inventory moves quickly.

We make it easy
We handle arranging freight for you, deal with any buyer support on your behalf, and market your listings automatically.

Create listings quickly and easily with our user-friendly listing form
Upload a spreadsheet or build a manifest from scratch.
Create Your First ListingInstantly reach tens of thousands of buyers
We'll automatically market your inventory to our diverse base of buyers who will aggressively compete for your inventory.
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Stay in control of pricing by setting your own start price
Some other auction sites require an artificially low starting prices, which can be risky. With BlueLots you can maintain pricing control and set your own.
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Higher Recovery Rate
Wholesale Buyers
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Upfront Cost
We handle freight and shipping labels
We manage both parcel and freight logistics making it easier for buyers to purchase your inventory without adding additional overhead for you.
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We attract more buyers than the competition
By offering more payment options and an easy to use site, managing shipping, and providing best in class support, we attract more and better quality buyers.
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